Tracking your movements either in small spaces or outdoors has become a lot easier in the past few years as microprocessors, accelerometers, GIS, GPS, and a variety of other sensors have become a lot more affordable. Most of the new smartphones (Blackberry's, iPhones) and many of the newer advanced mobile phones come with GPS pre-installed and the word on the street is that Garmin (GPS company) will be coming out with a phone. With the ability to track one's movements using one of the mapping mashups (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft) comes the capabilities to see where your friends are located at any given moment (if their mobile device is activated and subscribed to one of the many social networking sites (Bones in Motion, Loopt - WDC 2008, Motion Based, PerDiemco or featured in an earlier post). Yes it is Big Brotherish. So if you don’t want to be found…
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